You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers!

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What are the visiting hours?

We unlock the doors at 6:00am and lock them at 8:00 pm. We understand that most of us work and have difficulty visiting during the daytime. We ask that families use their best judgement in regard to the length of stay per visit and the time of the visit.

Is there a hairdresser available?

Yes. The hair salon is open Sunday and Monday. Our hairdresser will see both male and female residents by appointment. Please see the charge nurse to find out how to make an appointment for your family member (or friend).

Will Medicare, Medi-cal, or an HMO pay for all or some of the monthly rent at Arbor Place?

We do bill for Medi-cal residents. Resident may qualify for Long Term Care Insurance to pay for part or all of their bill. We also assist with VA benefits, which may pay for part of a resident’s stay.

How often does the Doctor see the resident?

Residents are taken to the physician’s office for appointments as needed.

Can the residents leave the facility overnight?

Yes, we will send all needed medication with you for an overnight stay.

Can residents keep their own furniture?

Yes, we encourage this. Having their own personal belongings makes them feel more at home.

Are pets allowed?

Pets are allowed to visit but do not live on the premises.

Do residents go on outings?

Yes, we try to go on an outing weekly.

Where can I find a copy of the CA Resident Handbook?

Our California Resident Handbook provides important and useful information on the services and amenities our facility provides. Download the document using the link on the right or below. We have also provided a link to download another information brochure – “Your Right to Make Decisions About Medical Treatment”.

View / Download the Covenant Care California Resident Handbook >

View / Download the “Your Right to Make Decisions About Medical Treatment” Brochure >